Alpha G: Mentoring Parent-less Children

Alpha G: Mentoring Parent-less Children

Donate to Our Residential School

Grateful for Being pardoned Permission to Intellectually serve to expand the minds of creative, fashion driven, musically inclined, individuals, mentors and children.

Passionately inspiring entrepreneurial goals. Confidently encouraging future, positive, productive, lifestyles.
Co-Creating a future of Partnerships that are Bonded by Genuine Love, Respect, & Honor to all children who have lost a parent of both; our mentors bring warmth into your lives. 

Mentorship is life changing for many who have no one to comfort them in times of emotional need. Connecting your children with the sex in which a parent is absent can prepare them in ways the present parent may be lacking certain skills and abilities.

Balance and duality of masculine and feminine energy will help children identify properly with themselves. It will ensure proper growth and will diminish the need for children to grow searching for the lack they are experiencing by having an answer parent or both. 

Consistency in the lives of children matter most. I ensures emotional stability and allows children to focus on growing a positive lifestyle.

Providing stability and balance for your children Starts at Home!

To sign a child up for mentorship please feel free to email us at [email protected]

***Please feel free to donate to the building of Our Residential Business School for Families, where families can come to Live, Learn, and Build themselves into an Entreneurial Family.

Message uYs

For questions, comments, and concerns please reach out to uYs and we will return you an answer favorably.

Please note that Urban Youth Savior may not be able to honour booking requests made last minute.